I like your Christ...
I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ.
- Gandhi
Here you'll find my random thoughts and rambles about life, world, politics, etc...
I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ.
Last week I received a notice from Friendster asking me to confirm an account I recently created. This surprised me, since I never created the account. I do have a Friendster account, but I use a separated email for it, an email I use for "junk" stuff since I don't want SPAM on my real email. Anyways, I figured some idiot probably just typed in the wrong email, and that's the end of that.
So on Satuday, Christmas Eve, I wasn't feeling too well, so I stayed home instead of going to my parent's place. That's probably a good thing, since they'd probably just make me feel guilty for not going with them to church at 11PM at night.
I must admit one thing Conservatives are really good at is entrepreneurship. Just look at Rush Limbaugh. For only $50, he lets you and I can buy a US soldier in Iraq a subscription to his website! Of course, he could just give US soldiers access to his website for free, but that charity handout bullshit are for Liberals and he'll have none of that.
I went to see King Kong on Christmas Day. Its a family tradition that we watch a movie on Christmas Day. It brings our family together. Physically at least, since when we get there we ignore each other to watch a move. So... yeah, King Kong brought our family together, so we can ignore each other, for three hours.
I love the Holiday season. It's the season of giving, and it's the only time you can wish others Peace without being called un-American. I know we are at war today, so spreading peace is un-American, but honestly, I don't know how far we have to go back to find a time when America is NOT at war against something or someone. War on drugs started in the 80's and will never end. The war on Communism started before WW2 and hasn't end. Which is kinda odd since we have normalized relationship with Vietnam and the Korean War is now the Forgotten War.
MSNBC.com has a "Year in Pictures 2005" collection that I find very interesting. Some pictures are visually stunning, while others show human tragedies. Hands down, the best picture has to be the one that shows Buddhist Monks by cascading waterfalls (taken in Vietnam). Below are some of the pics I found interesting (as always, click the pics to enlarge).
I finally found some time today to do some photo editing. I'm very new to photo editing, as I usually accept whatever the camera gives me. These pictures usually turnout flat and hazy. But I've always been fascinated with sunset pics I see on photo sites like photo.net and others. Today, I finally found some time to play around with Photoshop's color features. Here are some initial results. The pictures were take during a hiking trip in SF a few weeks ago. The couple of the pictures has a Before and After comparison.
I picked up a couple of DVDs from the library this weekend. I was going to see King Kong, but I figured I save that for next weekend. Our family has a tradition of watching a movie on Christmas Day. I figured, what better way to celebrate the birth of Christ than watching a semi-bestiality movie.
My interest in photography has increased the last couple of years. I think, partly, it's in my blood, as three of my uncles had photo studios when I was growing up. They used to do weddings, and parties. But its not a cheap hobby, as "decent" lenses starts around $500 and good once starts around $700. But with digital SLRs now starts below $1000, now is the best time to get one.
I recently saw George Clooney's political thriller, Syriana, and the kid movie, Narnia. I'm not really familiar with the Narnia series so I was surprised that it has some Christian angle to it. I thought it would be like Lord of the Rings, but it's not. I then did a search online, and found out that Disney heavily targeted the Narnia movie to Christian audience. They spent millions to hire the PR company that launched Passion of the Christ, and they previewed Narnia to 40+ Evangelical churches. I've always hated it when politicians use religion to advance their agenda, and I feel the same way with movie companies doing the same thing to make money.
Its been awhile since I've read a non-techie book. I can't make it a habit to pick up the 7-Habits (and 8th) books by Covey, and I keep forgetting to read that book that helps improve one's memory. So when I was in the library today, I actually avoided looking into the DVD section and instead browsed the new book section. I ended up leaving with three books. Definately more than I can read in three weeks.
I haven't posted a real blog entry in a while so I figured I break that streak.